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Lisitza's Mini Kawaii

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Pattern in Word document

Tutorial's patterns | Views: 972 | Downloads: 176 | Added by: miniatures | Date: 2015-09-27

I have made a decision to share with you a few of my handmade spooky miniature witch labels. As you have, probably, noticed I have used famous brands to re-create them. 
Mini printies | Views: 2680 | Downloads: 720 | Added by: miniatures | Date: 2011-06-12 | Comments (1)

Mini printies | Views: 2930 | Downloads: 915 | Added by: Marina | Date: 2008-02-24 | Comments (0)

Tutorial's patterns | Views: 2710 | Downloads: 834 | Added by: Marina | Date: 2008-02-24 | Comments (1)

Tutorial's patterns | Views: 2920 | Downloads: 917 | Added by: Marina | Date: 2008-02-24 | Comments (2)

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